A gastronomical experience that will transport you to the souther comforts of mexican cuisine.
Taqueria El Pueblito is home to some of Tucson’s most beloved tacos and burritos. Come to enjoy our delicious Barbacoa, Chicharron en Salsa Roja, Puerco en Salsa Verde, Al Pastor, Rajas con Crema, and other Mexican food staples. All the meats are grilled to order and our tacos come generously piled with the seasoned, savory meat of your choice, plus your choice of toppings. The salsa bar is stocked with a variety of homemade salsas including our signature favorite spicy-guac salsa. The burritos are generously proportioned and stuffed with your choice of meats, or enjoy the creamy simplicity of a classic bean and cheese or a top-favorite rajas con crema. Excellent value and compelling flavors make this a must-try neighborhood eatery.
Taqueria El Pueblito is a local favorite and a must-taste for visitors to the Old Pueblo!